Friday, August 14, 2020

Can't Live Without...

If you're interested in the nitty gritty stuff that goes on behind the scenes in the studio, this post is for you! I'm writing about three somewhat oddball things that I can't live without.

#1:  100% cotton rags. Why, might you ask, are paper towels not good enough? Well, they are OK for many things,  but not all. When I am toning a canvas and wiping it firmly to spread the color evenly, paper towels fall apart and leave little crumbs of paper all over the canvas. Sometimes even the cotton rags end up with holes in them--but at least they don't leave debris on the canvas. I have friends (who shall remain nameless) who supply me with old T shirts whenever they clean out their closets. Can't thank them enough!

#2: Plastic Squeeze Bottles. My very first painting instructor suggested putting one's medium in a plastic squeeze bottle, instead of pouring it into a metal cup. Dipping your brush back into the same cup of medium throughout a painting session is a sure way to end up with dirty medium. With a squeeze bottle, you squeeze out medium as it is needed, and the rest stays nice and clean in the bottle. Ingenious.

#3: White Artist's Tape. I use this to tape off my canvas in the dimensions of the painting I am working on.  It helps me define my rectangle, and lets me work in any dimension I choose. And there are few joys greater than pulling the tape off when the painting is finished, and seeing the "reveal", with clean, crisp edges. Check it out below:

An added plus: at the end of a painting trip when I strip all the tape off my plein air paintings, the used tape takes on the form of a modern sculpture.  See the last image, and judge for yourself!  If you'd like a future installment of more "Things I Can't Live Without", send me a comment and let me know. (You can comment directly on this blog, or reach me through my website at  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I think, Lesley, we'd like to see your collection of brushes. I'm not a painter, but to me an artist's brush is a thing of beauty. And so many different shapes and sizes.
