"Water's Edge"
24 x 30
Oil on Canvas
This is a large painting that I recently completed in my studio. I worked from a small plein air canvas (pictured below) that I painted on location, as well as a reference photo and a sketch that I did on location. The plein air painting was done in the late afternoon, standing on the edge of a large body of water. I went there with a very specific plan in mind, aiming to paint the lovely church that stands on the opposite side of the water. However, when I arrived at my painting location and looked around, I saw this beautiful vista on my right. I loved the sweep of the waves and the curve of the land, and the way both elements drew the eye to the church dome and little garden at the end of the stretch. So...my original plan went right out the window, and I painted the scene you see here. I have learned that when something sparks your interest like this, you should go with it! You can learn more about this painting here.
The small plein air painting appears below. I used it as a color guide and inspiration for my studio work. It's impossible to see true color relationships from a photograph, and so I find the process of doing a study on location to be invaluable.
"Guidecca Afternoon"
8 x 10
Oil on Linen Panel
Lovely post, Lesley, and a lesson in it for anyone aiming for creativity.