Friday, October 11, 2013

Room with a View

One brief moment of sun. I knew there was not enough time to get outside and set up my easel before the clouds covered the sun again, so I quickly set up in front of the kitchen window. Sometimes having extreme time limitations can serve me well--it definitely prevents over-working the painting. 

The focal point of this painting is not the Eiffel Tower, but rather the rooftops and chimneys between my window and the Tower. I consider it a victory for the little guy when the nondescript part of the scene steals the show. 'Tis twists like that that make a painting especially interesting...

1 comment:

  1. That is utterly and completely fabulous. When I come back as a painter in my next life, I am going to do that very scene. Thank you for this glimpse into Paris and your painting. Wow.
