Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Home from France

If you've noticed a slowdown in my usual pace of posting, it's because I have been away in Provence, on a painting trip.  So wonderful to get back, after a hiatus of two years due to COVID!

"Murs Overlook"
9 x 14, Oil on Linen
(c) Lesley Powell 2022

The world continues to change, but the land endures.  This trip, I found myself drawn to paint the landscape just as often as the village scenes.  As a city dweller, I don't often get to see sweeping vistas like those provided by the Luberon area of Provence.  Or to enjoy the fruits of local agriculture! Looking out at the patterns of cultivated fields is a joy--as is eating the cherries, apricots and other delicacies that spring from them.

"Lavender and Clouds", 10 x 10, Oil on Linen, (c) Lesley Powell 2022

This trip happened in a heat wave ("canicule"), but we endured. Painting outdoors was possible, even comfortable in the mornings, but afternoons were often unbearable.  Temperatures often neared 100 degrees. After lunch siestas became the norm.  One plus of the heat is that it brought out the lavender much earlier than normal.  It's hard to beat the experience of standing amidst the lavender and inhaling that wonderful aroma while painting,

"Villars Hillside"
8 x 8, Oil on Linen
(c) Lesley Powell 2022

Once the jet lag abates, I plan to post more work from the trip, so stay tuned...