The long awaited event is almost here! I will be the Featured Artist in the Huntsville Museum of Art Gala, opening this month. This event is beautifully orchestrated by the Museum staff and volunteers, and involves many, many months of preparation. Faithful readers might be interested in the story of how it has all come together... |
I got the call in June of 2022. It was Pam Gann, one of the Gala Chairmen in Huntsville. The Committee was inviting me to be their Featured Artist for 2023--was I interested? Was I!! I was honored, excited, thrilled, and also a bit nervous. The commitment involved twenty three paintings of various subjects and sizes. That can be a tall order! |
Pam and her Committee have been amazing to work with. Starting in September, I began to send them images of paintings from which to select. Some of the paintings had been completed prior to the call, others were still wet off the easel. The final selections cover a wide range of subjects and sizes, and they are a good representation of my body of work. You can see them all in the online digital version of the Gala Catalog. |
Once selections were finalized, it was on to framing. Many thanks to Veronica, at Campania Fine Moulding, for her always spot-on advice on frames. Supply chain issues still plague the frame industry, but with some nimble footwork, Veronica was able to get it all done on time. |
Next step: delivering the work to Huntsville. Enter Debbie, of Dilworth Packing. Debbie used the "white glove" treatment to personally courier the work from my studio in Charlotte to the Museum. It was a big moment to see all the paintings loaded in Debbie's van, and headed to their destination. Lift off: November 2, 2022. |
Since November, the Museum has been photographing the art, as well as designing and publishing invitations, catalogs, and publicity materials--and handling a million other details. And finally hanging the paintings in the galleries. That's another "white glove" process, which requires precise work. Many artists are represented, so there are several galleries full of paintings. The iris painting in the photo below is by my friend Jill Steenhuis. So fun to "hang out" with friends! |
The beautiful color catalog has gone live online. If you see something you love, how can you purchase it? The paintings are now available online in a "Buy Now, Take Later" format. If you "Buy Now", you secure the painting before the auction begins, at its normal retail price. That's definitely advisable if there is one you can't live without! To Buy Now, just register here. "Buy Now" runs through Friday, February 24 at noon (Central Time). After that time, the remaining paintings will be available through the Silent Auction (described below). |
You can also take your chances in the Silent Auction, and bid for the painting. Bidding begins at 70% of retail price. Everybody who participates in the Silent Auction (either in person or from a distance) will bid through an online process, for which you can register here. Silent Auction bidding begins Monday, February 27 at noon, and ends Saturday night, March 4, at 10 pm. I'll be attending the Silent Auction in Huntsville that Saturday night, and will be watching the clock as the closing hour draws nigh. Happy Bidding to all! |